Page name: The Gotei 13 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-05 02:46:51
Last author: Mastermind2302
Owner: Lily~
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Inside The Court of Pure Souls

Sitting at his desk he finished writing a report of the events taking place that morning. Putting the files away he grabs his soul slayer, a completely blue sword from hilt to piercing tip and leaves the desk making his way to the portal to the human world. "I hope nobody finds me... It would be very troublesome if they did. Some of the capitans these days have no sense of adventure." The comander of the Gotai 13 continues walking down the quarters and maze of Soul Society until reaching a doorway. He begins to draw his sword.

With a quick thrust he begins to unlock the protal to the human world. "It is still way to quiet, let me hurry before anyone comes by and notices me." He steps through the portal placing his reatsu limiter. "Best not to be detected" he whispers as he jumps through, the doors sliding closed behind him. "its been a while, i should get into a Gigai soon and be on my way, things will be getting interesting from here". He turns and begins running through the park he just appeared in.

A young woman of 19 or so jumps into his path with her sword drwan. "who are you stranger?" she calls lifting her chin strongly. 'eee! this guy just appeared out of no where!'
Stopping his run see who this was who not only could see him, but didnt know who he was, he looks at the young girl curiously. 'AIYAA! she is cute, this is getting interesting' he thinks as he trys to keep a serious face. Tipping his straw hat and gripping his soul cutter he fromally introduces himsef, "I am first squad captain, Shinji Takashi, most handsome of all Death Gods in Soul Society. Now my young friend, who are you that can see me?"
"Friend or foe you need not know my name just yet. Nor my purpose." She watches him slightly curiosly. "what is your purpose here in this world Captain?"
Sensing her reatsu was clearly masked, he answed her the same as he would any of his other captains, "no purpose, just out enjoying the scenery. You intreigue me, but your sword might as well be lowered, save it for the hollows. I dont have any urge to fight you." with that he releases his sword and begins to untie the wooden armband with the first squad insignia and folds his white captains cloak. "If you dont mind now i have to be going now, it is a cold night and I am far underdressed." with a small boost of his reatsu he used his quick step technique and disappears into the night. ara ara the young are truely troublesome
'heh, he thinks he can lose me that easily does he?' She replaces her sword in it's sheath, and closing her eyes the raises her arms to begin a trace on his soul,and aura. "find him my loves and keep tabs. I want to learn everything there is to learn about him." she whispered to the wind as 6 winged creatures that she summoned flew by her long perfectly curled rusty red and brown hair.
Appearing in front of a small shop on the outskirts of town the comandar of the Gotai 13 thinks 'hmn, intersting human, she not only could see me without a Gigai on, but she can mask her spiritual pressure.' Going into the small shop he peeks in and spots what looks like his own unconsious body. sitting down and then falling into it he enters the gigai. "Ah, i hate how cramped these things feel. Now to get my equipment" he gets up and reaches for a small bag containing a round little pill which looks like a tic tac. slipping it into his pocket he puts on a black jacket and hat and leaves the shop. "hope this mod soul isn't as insane as the last one. Now to go about my business" saying that he turns and blows a kiss to one of his follower. 'she is really relentless'
The girl's pet is surprised by the kiss and continues to follow at a safe distance.. at least it hopes so. The girl begins walking towards a town hoping to find rest there. She has been traveling to find any family that she may have left. so far it's only been a week of travel.'I wonder who he was..? He seemed to be another of those thngs that I can see... only.. different.. he wasn't like the other's colors..hmm... odd.. most definately odd...
follows behind her in the shadows, trying to find where this strange human is going "if this human is as odd as she seems i may well find entertainment from her presence" glides along just out of range for her presence to be sensed
Now in the human world contained in the restricted and weight down body of a gigai, Captain Takashi squeezes his fist as if to streach out the fleshy container. Walking down the streets he wonders who is on patrole, and who he may run into. Thinking back to the girl who is still spying on him he grins. 'She looks amazingly like her' he thinks to himself. Walking down the early morning streets of Karakura town the captain suddenly senses the spirit pressure of a mass of hollow. "shit, this is going to be bothersome. I had better see what is going on, they seem a little too strong for the average patrolemen assigned here." He shuffels into his pocket and grabs the Mod Soul, finds a safe area and pops it in jumping out of his gigai in his full captains uniform. The gigai springs to life standing at attention. "Sir, your orders?" the mod soul is a very stern serious type. "Keep the people away from the fight, we dont need innocent souls to be hurt." with that the captain uses his quick step and appears a few hundred yards away from a mass gathering of hollows. "It's worse than i though... They are forming... a... Menos Grand!"
One of the girl's pets see's this creature from a very large distance and whizzes back to it owner. It informs her of this creature. "Damn! I'd better get there huh?" the creature agrees with her, transforms into a BIGGER flying creature and, wizzes away. Arriving in only 8 minutes later, she hops off and looks for the creature but spots the guy from the woods 'What the hell is he doing here?? He's gonna get hurt if he's not careful' She spots the gathering mass of the Menos Grand and unsheathes her sword summoning her pets to thier natural size. *about 4 feet tall and 5 feet long, they look a little like griffens.. but diferent* the creatures take flight once transformed and await thier master's command. The girl waits for the monster to form fully.
Sensing a sudden boost in spirit pressure Takashi looks around and spots the girl. 'Oh no, now i have to stop the menos before it forms, this girl is going to get hurt' he thinks and he draws his aqua blue sword. holding it straight out the two toned silver and aqua blue blade shined. Holding it firmly in his hand he pointed it to the masive menos grande forming and shouted "SPLASH, LEVIATHAN! DUALING DRAGON!" And with that his small aqua blue blade becam a giant ice blade about 5 feet long and getting as wide as 8 inches by the tip. The dualing dragon attack sent a long whip looking water and ice stream right at the menos grand, killing all sorrounding hollows and damaging the menos grand. With another flick of the wrist the length of the whip wraped around the menos grand. calmly holding on to the hilt of his sword the captain softly said "Ice Spike" and the entire whip of water froze impaling the menos grande tearing it in two. As the body of the Grande dissolved the captain shot a look over to the young girl. 'now this wasnt as interesting as i thought it would have been. Rest in peace wandering sould, you have been allowed to cross into soul society as pluses.' His glare intensifies on the girl. "YOU! ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
"I should be asking you the same thing Takashi ... Sama.' Khi smirked at the 1st Division Captain. "And we all thought you were finishing the reports. I guess I just know you too well." Sheathing his Kaze Arashi, which he had drawn out before seeing his superior arrive, the short dark haired shinigami approached and bowed at Captain Takashi's side. Lowering his voice so that the female stranger didn't here, the 10th Divison Captain urged Takashi to return.
"As much as I understand your constant need to ... gain information of the female humans ... we need to return before any other captains or vice-captains notice we're both gone." Khi leaned back and looked at the 'female stranger', narrowing his eyes at her appearance. Something clearly wasn't right. She wasn't human ... was she? "Captain?"

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2006-06-24 [Lily~]: wow. that's scarey... lol that's funny... I thought my student body was huge...

2006-06-24 [Tranquility]: yeah it sucks living in a small town because u know everyone and you know that they ALL hate you :P

2006-06-24 [Lily~]: LMAO! yup. it's like that here. There are maybe 100 studnts from my town. but we take on surrounding areas too

2006-06-24 [Mastermind2302]: yeah... here you can hate people but no one cares... i love living in a large city

2006-06-24 [Lily~]: lol I wouldn't be able to stand it. A little city is good for me.

2006-06-25 [Tranquility]: lol I like my small quiet town as boring as it may be I still love it here in quiet little iowa

2006-06-25 [Mastermind2302]: i personally couldnt do it. Then again Im an instigator and I wanted to go to high school in a small town so people would start shit with me and i would have a reason to be like... stupid stupid, your cool, stupid... i really like starting shit for some reason

2006-06-25 [Lily~]: lol I know what you mean. Though here where I live if you get caught doing something like that then you get EXPLLED! Dun dun duuuuuunn.

2006-06-25 [Mastermind2302]: i really wouldnt care about being expelled, lol i am so bad it just isnt good for myself

2006-06-26 [Tranquility]: lol thats another reason I love it here.... I started so much everyones afraid of me now :P I broke 3 noses my 8th grade year and people piss their pants when they see me :P I like to brag

2006-06-26 [Mastermind2302]: i won a fight when some kid punched me in the jaw and i barely budged, he backed down lol, it looked like something out of anime, hit the bad guy in the face he tilts his head looks at you and cocks his head back like it was a tap

2006-06-26 [Lily~]: ok boys you can stop bragging. -.-;

2006-06-26 [Tranquility]: like when my friends are sick..I don't get them get well soon cards... fuck that...get well NOW!

2006-06-26 [Lily~]: lol YEAH!

2006-06-26 [Mastermind2302]: lol demetri martin is funny, i have his stand up on my ipod ^_^ (sorry for blowin up your spot)

2006-06-26 [Tranquility]: lmao I didn't know anyone else knew who demetri martin was!!!!

2006-06-26 [Mastermind2302]: lol i know alot of comice, i watch alot of comedy centeral

2006-06-27 [Lily~]: ... *doesn't know very many comics..*

2006-06-27 [Tranquility]: yes I reject your reality and substitue my own

2006-06-27 [Lily~]: actully I believe it is your reality being rejected... 'cause I'm out numbered.

2006-06-27 [Tranquility]: well either way things are gonna end up being fucked up

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